Accenture Assessment Centre Preparation Guide 2023
You’ve made it to the Accenture assessment centre. Congratulations!
This is the final (and most challenging) stage of the graduate recruitment process, but if you make a good impression on the day, you’ll get an offer to kickstart your career at Accenture.
So if you want to know how to stand out from the crowd and impress the recruiters, then keep reading!
In this free Accenture assessment centre guide we will show you:
- All the resources you’ll need to thoroughly prepare for the day
- 4 exercises you can expect to take part in
- 3 must-know tips to stand out at the Accenture assessment centre and get the offer you want
Start by getting our top recommended Accenture practice tests and assessment centre exercises here.
Accenture and the recruitment process
Accenture is one of the largest consulting companies in the world, spanning across 51 countries. The company specialises in strategy, digital and technology services and currently works with over 6,000 clients globally.
Accenture employs more than 12,000 people in the UK alone, including hundreds of new graduates every year through its various graduate training programmes.
Graduates have many opportunities in areas such as Consulting, Strategy, Analytics, Cyber Security, Software Engineering, Human Resources, and more.
These graduate programmes are extremely popular and highly competitive, with a rigorous hiring process in order to find the top candidates.
There are four stages in the Accenture recruitment process:
- Application
First, you’ll need to fill out and submit an online application form. This will require you to outline your background, education, experience, skills and interests, as well as upload your CV.
- Online Tests
After you’ve submitted your application, you’ll be required to complete a number of online aptitude tests that are specific to the programme you applied for. These may include a logical reasoning test, numerical reasoning test, verbal reasoning test, situational judgement test, and personality test.
- Digital Interview
Next, you’ll take part in an online video interview where you must record and submit your answers to the questions that are asked. This goes for about 25-30 minutes and can be completed at any time and location that suits you.
- Assessment Centre
Finally, if you are successful in your digital interview, you’ll be invited to attend the Accenture assessment centre for another round of exercises. We’ll cover everything you need to know about this stage of the process in the rest of this article.
What to expect at the Accenture assessment centre
As of 2020, the Accenture assessment centre is a fully virtual event which closely mirrors the in-person assessment days that were held previously.
You’ll take part in a number of exercises and activities designed for the graduate programme you applied for, meet other candidates and Accenture employees, and learn more about what it’s like to work at Accenture.
Some of the exercises you can expect at the virtual assessment day include:
- Group Exercise
In pairs or small groups with other candidates, you’ll get some information about a business decision that Accenture is currently considering.
You will have about 30 minutes to analyse the information as a group and prepare recommendations for the company.
Make sure to read our in-depth group exercises guide for more details and advice to help you ace this activity on the day.
- Case Study / Discussion
Before your assessment day, you may be asked to research a relevant business-related topic which you will then discuss with a recruiter at the assessment centre event.
The topics are usually related to current industry trends, and you should be able to have an insightful conversation about the topic for about 10 minutes.
This is a great opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge and passion for the company, role and industry as whole.
- Virtual Reality Assessment
This is a new and immersive exercise where you will need to solve problems in a virtual reality environment.
There are three different activities which use a combination of puzzles and simulated scenarios to test your problem solving skills, data interpretation, and work resilience.
A key feature of these assessments is that they are designed to take longer than the allocated time, so assessors will also be looking at how you manage your time and prioritise tasks.
- One-to-one Interview
Finally, you’ll have an interview with a senior manager from the business area that you applied to. This will focus on your strengths, interests and motivations, as the interviewer wants to know more about your personality and natural attributes and how they would be a good fit for the company.
Check out our interview preparation guide for our top tips to impress! And if you’re feeling particularly nervous about the interview, we have a great guide for that too.
Click here for tailored Accenture practice exercises and prep packs for your virtual assessment centre.
Accenture graduate assessment centre video
Have a watch of this video from Graduates First, where they discuss how to secure your dream role…
3 pro tips for Accenture assessment centre success
#1: Get plenty of practice
If you really want to stand out at the assessment centre, it’s crucial to put in a lot of preparation time beforehand.
Make sure to practise all the exercises and activities you can – it will boost your confidence on the day because you’ll know exactly what to expect and how to tackle what’s coming.
We recommend browsing our website for free, detailed preparation guides to all these assessment centre exercises, aptitude tests, and more:
- Numerical reasoning test
- Verbal reasoning test
- Logical reasoning test
- Situational judgement test
- MBTI personality test
- Interview preparation guide
- Assessment centre group exercises guide
- General assessment centre tips and preparation guide
And don’t forget to check out our top-rated Accenture practice tests and exercises here!
#2: Research the company and role
You need to have a good understanding of why you want to work at Accenture and why you’re the best person for the role you applied for.
Dig into the company website and social media profiles, news coverage, case studies, and the general media.
Be able to share examples of specific projects or clients that interest you, and have some of your own questions ready to ask at the interview so you can show you’ve given it some serious thought.
Remember that the assessment centre is very much a two-way street – it’s about finding out if Accenture is the right place for you just as much as it is about deciding if you are the right person for them.
#3: Show your enthusiasm
Accenture are looking for candidates who are passionate, enthusiastic and genuinely happy to be there.
They are not looking for “perfect” people – they want to see that you are trying your best, tackling the challenges head on, and enjoying interacting with other candidates and team members.
You can help to get across your enthusiasm by having a good understanding of the company, asking questions, networking, and generally making the most of the day.
It might sound cliché but enjoy it as much as you can because it’s an extremely valuable experience, no matter what the end result is.
You’ve got this! Good luck!
Some more guides to help you succeed...
- Numerical Reasoning: Numerical Reasoning Test Guide: 5 Proven Tips to Succeed
- Verbal Reasoning: Verbal Reasoning Test: What You Need to Know to Pass
- UKCAT: UKCAT Test Guide: 4 Secrets to UKCAT Success 2020
- Watson-Glaser: Watson-Glaser Test: Everything You Need to Know to Pass
- Mechanical Comprehension: Mechanical Comprehension Test Guide 2020