LNAT Test Preparation Guide 2023

Want to study law at university? You might need to sit the LNAT test as part of the admissions process. This LNAT preparation guide has everything you need to know to tackle the test and get a good score.

In this free LNAT test guide we will show you:

  • 2 key LNAT example questions
  • What is a good test score and how to pass
  • 3 professional tips on LNAT preparation

You can find some of the best tailored LNAT practice tests here.


What is the LNAT exam and what is it used for?

The LNAT (Law National Aptitude Test) is the admissions exam you’ll need to pass to be accepted into an undergraduate law degree at many UK universities.

It doesn’t test your law knowledge or intelligence, but rather more general abilities and aptitudes that are necessary to study law successfully. The LNAT test measures skills like:

  • Verbal reasoning
  • Inductive and deductive reasoning
  • Understanding and interpreting information
  • Drawing logical conclusions

Learn more about these skills in our verbal reasoning, inductive reasoning, and deductive reasoning test guides.

Your LNAT test score is used together with your A levels, and sometimes an interview, to determine your acceptance into your chosen university. Each university uses and weighs LNAT differently.

Currently, nine universities in the United Kingdom require you to sit the LNAT exam before you can study a law degree. You can find a full and up-to-date list of LNAT universities on the official LNAT website here.

What to expect in a LNAT test

The LNAT is a computer-based test that goes for two hours and 15 minutes. It must be taken in-person at one of 150 LNAT test centres around the UK. Find your nearest test centre here.

The test is divided into two sections:

  1. Multiple choice (42 questions, 1 hour and 35 minutes)

Multiple choice questions are based on 12 passages of text, with 3-4 questions each.

  1. Essay (40 minutes)

Choose one of three essay questions on a variety of topics. The essay should be around 500-600 words (no more than 750 words).

On the day of your LNAT test, make sure to arrive at the test centre with plenty of time to spare. If you’re late, you may not be allowed to sit the test.


LNAT test example questions

Here’s a sample of both types of questions from a past LNAT exam. The layout and format is similar to what you’ll see on your computer screen when you take the test yourself.

This is what a multiple choice question looks like:

Multiple Choice Example Question

These questions require you to read closely and use your reasoning skills to identify arguments and determine facts from opinions.

And this is what an LNAT essay question looks like:

LNAT Essay Example Question

You can click through to see all three essay questions before choosing which one to write about.

We always recommend these LNAT practice tests.

What your LNAT results mean

After you’ve completed the LNAT test, universities will be able to view your results within 24 hours.

You’ll get your results via email some time later – they are sent out twice a year, so you may have to wait up to several months depending on when you sat the test.

Your LNAT results come as a single score out of 42.

Even though there are two sections to the test, only the first section (multiple choice questions) counts towards your results. The essay doesn’t receive a formal score, but universities will use it to assess your overall writing and communication skills.

What is a good LNAT score?

There’s no official pass mark for the LNAT, and each university will weigh your LNAT results differently.

A score of 27 or higher gives you a better chance of being accepted into your chosen university, but of course, there’s no guarantee.

It’s also important to remember that your essay plays an equal part in your LNAT results, and will be looked at together with your score to determine whether you get a place.

The best thing you can do is prepare properly so that you perform well on the day, and get the highest possible score.

And if you don’t get a good LNAT score?

You still have options. You can apply to a different university with a lower LNAT score requirement, or you can resit the test in the next admissions cycle.


How to prepare for your LNAT test: 3 pro tips

#1: Register early

LNAT testing runs from September to January every year for entry into university the following September. You can only take the test once each year.

To sit the LNAT test, you need to register and book a timeslot, and it’s always a good idea to do this as early as possible to secure your preferred day and time.

Registration opens on August 1 every year. You’ll need to do two things:

  1. Set up an online account with Pearson Vue.
  2. Book a testing slot at your chosen LNAT test centre and pay for the test.

#2: Take LNAT practice tests

Practice makes perfect, so keep practising until you’re confident answering many different types of multiple choice and essay questions.

The questions on your test will obviously be new and unfamiliar, but if you’ve practised answering similar ones on official LNAT practice tests, you’ll know how to approach them on the day.

As well as giving you a confidence boost, you’ll also improve your speed and accuracy the more you practice.

Start practising now with these up-to-date LNAT practice tests.

#3: Read everyday

The LNAT essay questions are based on topical issues, so the more you know about what’s going on in the world, the better chance you have of getting an essay question you understand and can discuss knowledgeably.

Stay updated on current affairs by reading high-quality, trustworthy newspapers (online or in print). Try and read something everyday — if not the whole newspaper, then at least a few articles. The official LNAT website suggests:

And read closely, don’t just skim the articles.

Actually think about the topics being addressed, what’s fact and what’s opinion, whether the writer is making any assumptions, and how you might argue for or against the same topic.

Thinking like this will help a lot when it comes to writing your essay.

Good luck!

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